Credit terms
- It’s issued within 5-15 minutes locally
- The customer must provide his passport , social card or Identification Card(ID card)
- Issued to those who are at age 18-70
- Issued to all the citizens of the Republic of Armenia and NKR residents
- The customer must have positive credit history or should be a registered employee
- Credit is issued on each day of the week including Saturdays and Sundays from 10 am to 20pm
- Interest rate starting from 0%
- Prepayment starting from 0%
- Bank service fee ranges from 0,95% depending on the customers’ bank choice
“Redstore ” stores collaborate with all the Armenian leading banks:
«Inecobank» CJSC
«Armenian Economy Development bank» OJSC
«VTB-Armena» CJSC
«Ameriabank» CJSC
For more information please visit our stores or call us.